Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So Much to Update!

Oh my goodness I am so sorry it's been so long.
Hmm... I feel like I start every blog post with that.

Well I've got a lot to update and for once I really am making it short and sweet... in way too much pain (joint-wise, not surgery-wise) and too tired to explain every detail.

And away we go!
  • Turns out it WAS infected! But no worries - took some antibiotics and it cleared right up. Good thing I caught it early!
  • Got to take out my own stitches! When I mentioned to the doc that I am a prenursing student, he showed me how to take out one and let me do the rest.
  • No more big icky splint! for a while it was just wrapped but now I can have it open (much to the disgust of my siblings and mom)
  • The scabs have almost all fallen off, leaving a very interesting shaped scar behind.
  • I've been doing OT (occupational therapy) on my finger - just a week ago I couldn't bend it at all - now I can bend 90 degrees at the middle joint (with help from my other hand), about 70 degrees on my own, no help.
That's all I can remember health-wise. I know I'm probably forgetting several things (darn you, brain fog!) but I'll just come back and add if I remember something else.

In the non-health side of my life...
  • Saturday was Senior Prom! I went with my boyfriend of almost three years, Logan - and I also had another date! ;) A special needs boy at my school named Max.
Here's just a couple of the many photos we took that night:

(The last photo is of me and my other date, Max!)

Alright, I know I probably have much more to say...but I guess that will be for another day.

Hakuna Matata!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I have to make this extremely short and sweet, cause I am extremely tired and my eyes are closing no matter how hard I try to keep them open. But I must update because I keep meaning to and there's much to update on.

 Sorry if you hate lists like this... I do too - but it's the only way I can keep myself from getting completely scatterbrained at times like these!

  • Went to Dr. Hanel on Tuesday. Walked in expecting them to cut away a little of the plaster on the cast so it wouldn't hit the nerve and make my thumb numb anymore. Walked out with NO MORE ICKY CAST! :) Instead, a splint that just immobilizes my surgery finger and my middle finger (my other two are free to bend! yay!) I shoulda taken a picture of it, but I haven't yet. It's pretty weird looking, but it is SO much more comfortable.
  • To do this, obviously they took off the cast, which meant I got to see my stitches a bit early! Sorry to do this to all of you - but it's really not too gross, it's actually quite fascinating the shape of the stitches!
  • Sorry! So Tuesday I was in a lot of pain because they took my hand out of the cast, cleaned the site with stuff that BURNED, (the photo was pre-cleaning), and put the splint on. It was a lot of poking and prodding, so I hurt pretty bad that day. And I hadn't gotten hardly any sleep since the surgery, from all the pain. But then Tuesday night, a miracle happened. I was so tired at work I was afraid I'd literally fall asleep on my desk and be fired right away. I made it home at 4:30pm, went up to my bed, and fell fast asleep till I was woken up 6am the next morning. You'd think I'd feel refreshed after, but I've still been tired since then. The kind of tired when you can hardly keep your eyes open and you feel your head bobbing and you know you're gonna collapse...
  • So it's been a few days since that photo was taken, and every day I have to take the splint off and re-wrap it with fresh gauze. So I've seen it briefly every day since. I've been getting a little concerned and thinking it might be infected :( just as the pain level was starting to improve, it got a LOT worse. The area has also gotten redder and redder, and there's one spot that just randomly appeared sometime inbetween Tuesday and Wednesday, that's yellow and raised and quite unsettling. It's all swelled up more than before as well and feels a lot tighter (which I know might just be it healing). Anyways I'm thinking it might be infected, combined with how extra crappy I've felt the last couple days. As always, my parents have smiles plastered to their faces and say it's probably fine. I'm not so convinced.
Well onto HAPPIER things!
  • Officially registered for my classes at Lake Washington Institute of Technology today. Summer I'm (hopefully) getting my CNA certification (I'm 8th on the waitlist for the class). Fall I'll be starting classes towards an AA in Pre-Nursing. (Then of course from there I'll hopefully get into the Nursing program!) I'm really hoping to do my CNA stuff this summer so I can get a job as a CNA in a hospital in the Fall! College is expensive!
  • I've felt really inspired today. Although I feel like I don't have the energy, brainpower, or TIME (I've got so much homework!) I still feel very inspired to... I don't know. Create a masterpiece or save the world or something. haha :) it's a very good way to feel though
  • I'm hoping my "Fight Like a Zebra" EDS awareness shirt will come soon! I got it from http://zebra.spreadshirt.com/
  • My friend and honorary little sis Lauren is in this AWESOME video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihGCj5mfCk8 you should watch it - very inspiring! :)

Alright, gotta go for now. Funny how I originally intended for this to be a short post... Proud I was able to type this much! I hope everyone is doing well and succeeding fighting whatever battles life is throwing at you. We all have them. Remember - "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." So true.



Monday, May 7, 2012


...is a long road.
Pain, pain, pain, is gnawing away at my hand in several places. Slicing and tearing at the surgery site, aching and cramping up my finger joints and wrist in the cast, and pinching a nerve in my thumb, making it tingle with numbness and a quick zing every now and then.

I can feel my stitches wanting to burst when the whole area decides to swell up 5x its size every couple hours. The cast puts so much pressure on it, and it feels like my whole hand is going to pop.

Tomorrow we go back to see Dr. Hanel to fix my cast so it's no longer pressing up against a nerve and making my thumb go numb. We hadn't been expecting to see him again until the 15th, but it will be SO nice to be able to get my cast taken off and wiggle my wrist and fingers, even for just a moment.

But so much to be thankful for! We were able to get a refill on painkillers (thank GOODNESS!) they aren't as strong as the ones before, but they help a little, which is better than nothing!

The Starlight Prom on Saturday was SO much fun! Here's some photos:

I wish I could post ALL the photos. It was FANTASTIC. :) Such a fun event. I definitely overworked myself though, just 2 days after surgery, and paid for it that night / the next day. But it was worth it.

So life goes on. Trying to get back into the swing of things, while only using my left hand. Today at work I tri-folded 50+ invoices, stuffed them into envelopes, and stamped and sealed the envelopes. All with just my left hand! Was pretty darn proud of that.

Sorry to cut this short. Have to go. More to update soon.
Keep on keepin' on :)


Friday, May 4, 2012

Post-Surgery Update

I was going to have Logan type this up for me later, but he won't be here till two-ish. So I decided to just go ahead and type it, in all my left-handed glory!


The nurse called "Jessica" and brought my parents and I back into the anaesthesia room. She called it the "going to sleep" room. There were stars and a moon on the ceiling that lit up. It still didn't seem inviting, looking at all the machines and drugs laid out to give me. She had me change into a gown and told me to just relax on the bed for a while. Toy Story 3 came on the TV in front of me.

Dr. Hanel, my fantastic surgeon, came in a few minutes later. He explained what was going to happen. He said it appeared that there was more tumor growth above where the original area was, that was just wide and flat so you couldn't see it poking out like the main part. He said since he'd be taking such a wide area, he'd take some skin from the side of my hand to fill it in.

He explained the pain meds. He said that he'd be giving me a wrist block during the surgery, and it would completely numb my wrist to my fingertips, and would last from 6 to 16 hours. He said "it's like when you get Novocaine at the dentist" (that was the first red flag - Novocaine didn't work at all when I got my cavities filled last summer. I felt the pain of the drilling the whole time.) Dr. Hanel said that with the block, I'd be pain free that day, probably even go to sleep without pain. He said when the block wears off it gets that "pins and needles" tingly feeling. He said then I'd only need the prescribed painkiller once the first night, once the next morning for sure, then after that just taken when needed.

He left and the anaesthesiologist and his assistants came in. He looked over my medical charts, asked some questions, and asked what flavor of laughing gas I wanted. I knew laughing gas never worked on me anyways, but I still chose the root beer scent. He had it turned up all the way, asked if I was feeling different. "No," I said. I could tell they were about to put in the IV, which would put me to sleep. The nurse started going down the checklist and the anaesthesiologist was answering her questions. The last thing I heard was the nurse asking "difficult airway?" The anaesthesiologist replied, "anticipated."
Then I was out.


When I woke up in the recovery room, for the first 5 minutes I didn't know where I was, why my throat hurt so much (they intubated me), or why there was a big, blue cast on my hand. I had just thought I was sleeping through the night, and was surprised to not be in my own bed. More like a 7 year old than a 17 year old, I started crying, and asking "Mom? Mom?" A nurse appeared and said I couldn't see my parents until I was fully awake. I said I was. She wouldn't bring them back for a long time. I asked why my throat hurt. She said it was because during the surgery, they had to stick a breathing tube down it. I asked why the top of my left hand hurt so bad. She said it was because they tried doing an IV there, but it didn't work, so they went for my arm instead. I asked why my cast was blue. She said blue was the only color coband they have. (I'm going to cover it in skin colored coband so it's less noticeable and wont clash with what I'm wearing.)

My finger started to hurt a little, and my whole hand got that pins and needles feeling. I could tell it was the wrist block wearing off. The one that was supposed to help me have a pain-free day and night. Wearing off after an hour.

Dr. Hanel came in. I could tell he was proud of himself. Because he's an awesome surgeon, and only wanted me hurting in one place, not two, he was able to avoid the skin graft! He told me they still got all of it (it was bigger than it looked from the outside) and took wide margins, but he was able to rearrange and stretch the skin on my finger to fill in where they took skin out! They were probably only able to do that because my skin is slightly stretchier from my EDS. Hah - hidden blessing!

Also, originally the plan was cast on for 3 to 6 weeks. But Dr. Hanel is determined to get me out of it before my school prom May 19th :) So I'm going back on the 15th, they are going to open the cast and see how it's doing, and then hopefully I'll just have a splint and some mild dressings on my hand by prom! :)

So now my tumor is being shipped all over the country to get figured out.

Then he left and my parents came in. By then I could tell the block had worn off. I was crying in excruciating pain. The nurse was rude and didn't seem to believe that the block wore off so early. But she still gave me morphine in my IV and tylenol pills to take. Apparently morphine doesn't work. I was still in pain, and it annoyed the nurse. She quickly discharged me. Got into the car and headed home, trying to hold back my sobs in pain so I wouldn't worry my mom and boyfriend who were in the car.

Mom said I couldn't take the painkiller till I ate something, so we drove through McDonalds. The poor guy at the drive through window probably thought I was dying, despite my best efforts to turn the other way and silence what had turned into screams of pain. It felt like a knife was slicing through it, like my stitches were ripping apart.


Finally got home and laid down on the couch. I ate a bun, lettuce, and tomato. Mom gave me a painkiller. It was a while before it kicked in. First it made me feel disoriented and really really sleepy. I literally couldn't keep my eyes open, so I rested them closed for over an hour. But even with the painkiller, which brought my pain down from a 10 to a 7... I still was in too much pain to fall asleep.

So here's a dilemma: since the block didn't work, I had to take 3 doses of the painkiller yesterday (when I was only supposed to have 1 - because they thought the wrist block would work). I only have 2 doses left.

I really hope my pain level goes down soon.... *please stop hurting and start healing*!!
I've got things to do, people to see - my life to move on with! Can't do all that when the pain is keeping me up so much I can't sleep.


Alright - so a recap/breakdown:

The not-so-good
  • a lot, lot, LOT of pain
  •  wrist block didn't work...
  • ...so now I'm running out of painkillers
  • in too much pain to sleep
  • I'm realizing how hard things are with just one available hand (and it's my non-dominant one)
  • Also:
  • my little brother bit through the skin below his lower lip yesterday :( poor buddy
  • my friend Lauren is back at the hospital with an infection at her surgery site :(
But, the important part: THE GOOD
  • thanks to my awesome surgeon, no skin graft! just rearranging and stretching the skin in the area. If just this hurts this bad, I can't imagine how badly the skin graft would've hurt
  • also thanks to my awesome surgeon, there's a good chance I won't have my cast, just a splint and dressings, by my school prom!
  • Bartells has skin-colored coband! So I'm gonna get some and wrap it to cover up this ugly blue coband!
  • since I can't wear a jacket, I'm going to go to Value Village and get a cheap hoodie and make it so I can wear it with my cast! Will take some scissors and sewing...which normally I can do, but not now.... so I'll have to count on my mom (who never sews) to help!
  • Yesterday I watched the Lion King, Snow White, and Up. Up was in Spanish. Mr. Fredrickson sounds even grumpier in Spanish.
  • My friend Lisa stopped by to visit for a while :)
  • The meds don't give me the "loopy" side effects I thought they would, so I'm still in control of what I say and do, which is really good
  • This is giving me really good left-hand typing practice, which I need for work! (although it's pretty rough on my left hand joints)
  • And most of all, I know that this pain is not permanent. I know it'll be a while before things will go back to normal completely, but I also know I can get through this! :)

Well that was really rough, and who knows if it'll even be read, but it was good lefty-hand exercise and brain exercise to type that up. Even though it took literally two hours to do. With both hands it would've taken 20 minutes - hah! Sorry for such a long post :) thanks to those who stuck with me! I must go now and take my second-to-last painkiller...

<3 I hope everyone is doing well!
(my best attempt at a smile right now - so tired!)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


1 day, 11 hours, 7 minutes, 20 seconds... that's what the countdown on my phone says. That's how long till I get this painful, annoying, mysterious tumor outta my hand, hopefully for good! Gotta admit I'm a little nervous, just for the pain part, of course (you think I'd be used to the whole pain thing by now, but when you know it's coming, I think it's just human instinct to get a little nervous). But most of all I'll be happy to get it done and over with.

Took off my cute pedicure (don't ask my why, but you can't have any nail polish on at all for surgery, fingers or toes). Updated my dry erase wall-calender for May before I don't have the use of my right hand to write it with. Got caught up on homework (also, did my Senior Portfolio Presentation! So glad it's done and over with! woohoo!) Arranged a ride to get me to church youth group on Sunday night.

Sounds like I'm ready. Just gotta get through Wednesday, then onto Thursday. The pre-op call came in Monday. Check-in is at 9:20am. Surgery is at 11. Nothing to eat after dinner/bedtime. Only water from 3:15am to 7:15am. Nothing, not even gum or mints, after 7:15am...or we have to reschedule. So many rules! So much to remember! Agh.

Can't wait for the Starlight Prom on Saturday :) Hopefully I won't be in too much pain, or on the flipside, not too drugged up, and I'll actually be able to enjoy it. My dress is super princessy. Can't wait to show photos!

Thanks for the kind thoughts (: Should really be a piece-of-cake, no-big-deal, sort of surgery. Will update, left-handed, when I get the chance. Or maybe I'll have Logan or my mom type for me. haha

Now the clock says 1 day, 10 hours, 55 minutes, 52 seconds...

:) Goodnight