Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Politics, Church, P90X and More

Hey there! I've been quite busy lately - I was M.I.A. from school and work (and of course, blogging) for a lil' while, but I am back on my feet and have got some things to share!

So I appreciate everyone who contacted me either through comments, facebook, or email, suggesting what might be going on with my lungs - I've made a list of things to bring up to my doc! (Refer to last post if you don't know what I'm talking about) So here's a new question: does anyone have anything to say/any advice about ketamine infusions for pain? I am thinking of bringing that up to my doc as well. I've heard a little about it. Anything you have to say on the topic would be greatly appreciated!

So first order of business I thought I'd share - for my government class, I had to take an online test to see what political party I fit into (I got "Liberal Libertarian" - which makes no sense to me at all). The test was set up so that you had to select whether you agree or disagree with each statement. I was absolutely SHOCKED to see this one - ''People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce." WHAT??? I mean you can't seriously tell me that there are actually people who think this way??? Wow. I would love to have a little chitchat with them.

Similarly, a couple of weeks ago, a guy in one of my classes was ranting on about how we shouldn't have healthcare. Shouldn't. have. healthcare. AT ALL. He actually said, and I'm being serious here - He actually said that "there should be no doctors and no hospitals. Evolution kills off the weak, so only the strongest mate and produce offspring and continue our species. The sick and weak should be left to die, so that the human race only gets stronger over time. Healthcare is terrible, all it does is keep weaklings alive longer."

I am a fairly calm person, and in this situation I didn't say anything to him, (also because I was just so shocked at what he was saying) but later on, after more thought, I do wish I could have said "would you think the same thing if your mother was sick?"

Well. Onto happier things!

I saw this on Pinterest today and related to it so much, I just had to post:

I love that quote. Mostly because it perfectly describes the transformation I went through this year (I don't mean 2012, but this school year, I suppose - since Sept. 2011 and before).

If you looked at my attitude and my spirit over this time, you'd never believe that things have actually gotten harder for me over a year. You'd never believe that I'm in more pain. I'm more tired. I'm having more health issues than ever before.

You'd never know, because I've transformed my way of thinking [being]. I turned my can'ts into cans. I stopped saying "I can't be a nurse... that'll be too hard for me... it's too demanding of a job...I'm too weak...I'm too sick" and I started saying "I don't know what the future holds, but I'm as sure as hell gonna try my best". I am signed up to begin the LPN program at Lake Washington Technical College in the Fall. Before, I had given up on my dreams and let my health take over all my hope. But when I changed my attitude, I turned those dreams into plans. I'm going for it. I am done fearing the future. When you are sick, it gets really easy to give up, to fear "tomorrow", because you don't know what it'll bring - pain, fatigue, hospitalization, disability, death. But fearing tomorrow is no way for anybody to live.

Do as much as you can. Every day. Don't admit defeat before you've even put in your best effort. (And I'm not talking 100% - I mean double that. ;) at least!) Always make plans for your future, no matter how uncertain it may be. (You'll see it actually feels good, and makes your shaky future feel more certain). If things don't work out as planned, that's okay. Modify. But never let yourself be defeated. You have your disease. It does not have you. NEVER say can't. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.

- I really should end my rant there, on a cliche, before it gets too long! haha -

Speaking on putting my mind to things, a couple last notes! P90X is currently being shipped to me :) And I will be very excited to start it and share that journey with y'all! Will keep everyone updated on that. Also, I've joined a church! (Heh, if anyone cares? It's the Unitarian Universalist Church and I LOVE it so much.)

This is turning into a novel! So I shall go for now :)
Adios loveys. Stay strong <3


  1. That guy was an idiot. In his world he'd probably have died of strep throat as a nine year old. I don't think extremist views like that are common thank God. Ten bucks says that guy ends up starting a cult.

  2. Good for you! To add another cliche: "reach for the stars... even if you miss, you'll make it to the moon!"

    Society has historically been very cruel to people with disabilities. That's why the current disability laws are focused on accessibility as a human right, and thank God. You stay focused on what you can achieve and contribute (with no apologies for what you can't or for what you can do because you received reasonable accommodations)... and live the truth. That social Darwinism is a bunch of crap, playing God through eugenics (controlling the right of some to reproduce) is misguided and dumb, and that we are all made exactly as we are meant to be, and can all enrich the world in our very own way.
